Orange Church of God
Embassy of GraceA Real Church for Real People
1911 North 16th Street | Sundays @ 9 & 11:30am
This past Sunday we witness one of the most historic comebacks of our lifetime. Whether you are a golf fan or not Tiger Woods winning the Master’s was one of the most talked about events on Monday morning.
On Sunday, the rating were the largest they had been in a long time. The gallery was pulling for Tiger. You could just feel the support feeding him and fueling him as he kept a steady mastery of the game that within its self can be nerve-wracking.
I believe the events that has happened in Tiger’s past is what makes this victory so amazing and can help and encourage us today.
Tiger has experienced several burdens in his past that has affected him emotionally, mentally and physically to the point he, himself, just over eighteen months ago was doubting whether he would ever be able to return to a decent quality of life.
What we witnessed is what pursuing your passion can do.
There are many of us who have experienced some trials and tribulations that have or have had us thinking that we can’t go on. We can’t make it another day. The struggle is to hard.
Sure, there were somethings that Tiger brought on himself and there were somethings that life just threw at him.
Nevertheless, it was his passion to return to his passion that helped compel and propel him back to the Master’s winner’s circle.
You may not play golf, however, this same approach to achieving your passion can serve us well.
When people bail out on you, don’t bail on your dream.
When people walk out on you, don’t walk out on your dream.
When people begin to doubt you, don’t doubt your dream.
Anything worth having will cost us something.
Tiger was willing to pay the price for rehabilitation in all areas of his life.
I heard announcers say how they doubted and counted Tiger out years ago. The chances of him coming back were slim.
The pursuit of his passion causes others to change their tune or close their mouth.
Pursuing your passion can overpower your past.
The only difference between the first tee box of your life and the winner’s circle is your passion to pursue your passion.
You too can stage a comeback.
Pursue your passion and one day your passion will dawn you a green jacket.